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Submit your Gaussian
Note:  You need to be running SetiSpy with SETI@Home in order to get the graphics for submission.  For more information on how to set up SETISpy see the "Setting up SETI Spy" Section.

Current criteria for to submitting a Gaussians:

Top 20 - Best Overall - Signal ratio must be above 5.060
(FIT muse be UNDER 8.800)
Top 20 - Best Score - Score must be above 0.449
Top 20 - Best Fit - Fit must be below 2.782
Member - Personal Best - IF you have not submitted before just submit any!
A Signal ratio higher than previous best and a FIT under 8.800
Member - Unlucky - Signal ratio must be above 4.842
(FIT muse be OVER 8.800)
Member - FREAK! - Any Gaussian where the the GIF doesn't make sense.
Look at the FREAK Gaussian section for examples.


Email your Gaussians to
Attach in the email the a copy of the Gaussian GIF file from your saved Gaussian directory.
(its name will look like 13h56m9ra.21d50m23dec.00-11-04.16h07m22-197.gaussian.bestscore.gif)

Once you have emailed the Gaussians off delete all Gaussians you sent in (to avoid sending again later!)

How awesome is your Gaussian?  Click here to see if you Gaussian makes it into the world top 50!