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Online Games played by our SETI Synergy Team Members.


Do you play an online game?  Let us know what game and we will add you to the list!  Find new friends to play with, new people to kill or become trusted allies.  Also while you play TELL people at SETI and our group!  The more the merrier!

If a game isn't mentioned here just let us know and we can start one for you!

Statistics last updated 73 min 42 sec ago.
Rank Name Number of
SETI Synergy
Total WUs
1 Aardwolf MUD 89 30973
2 Astro MUD 15 5374
3 Armageddon MUD 18 2631
4 DroidArena 3 1319
5 Command & Conquer Renegade 2 967
6 A World Assunder MUD 1 79
7 Wolfenburg MUD 1 1