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31st March 2002

Interstate trip done... Let the updates begin!

I have SOOOOOOO many emails to get through.  Updates will be coming thick and fast over this Easter weekend.  So keep an eye posted here for the next few days.  Dont worry, everything that you have sent in over the last 2 weeks will be up on the site very very soon.

Ralf Hoehner sends their first Gaussian!
New #31 in "PERSONAL BEST Gaussian" section

Mortacan also sends a their first Gaussian!
New #25 in "PERSONAL BEST Gaussian" section

MrFireball sends in some more great Gaussians!
New #5 in "BEST SCORE Gaussian" section

The other Gaussian sent in ranked...
New #11 in our "PERSONAL BEST Gaussian" section!
New #16 in "BEST OVERALL Gaussian" section!

More members let us know who invited them
** Fintuck brings Woodsmaster to our team! **
** Zain Upton brings Lagge to our team! **
** Zain Upton brings ~Iceman~ to our team! **
** Zain Upton brings Sir.Tarris to our team! **
** Zain Upton brings Wolf to our team! **

24th March 2002

Just one more week and the updates will continue...

As most of you know, I am still away interstate and thus can't get to my computer to do any updates. This includes the weekly update, personal profiles, gaussians etc.

But the good news is I'll be back in about a week (3rd of April at the latest) and at that stage I'll do one HUGE update as many of you have sent in profiles, gaussians subgroups and invitee details.

A bit thankyou to my beautiful girlfriend Fiona for typing in this message and letting everybody know, even though I'm over a thousand kilometers away. (And she's terrified of computers and doesn't know what she's doing.)

Keep crunching hard,


15th March 2002

Congratulations to "[SKYBEAMER] - SETI Project" for joining and going straight into our HALL of FAME

A BIG big day again.  And a big welcome to Skybeamer!  Just short of 5000 WUs, skyrider is RIGHT up there in our rankings now!  For those that are interested his OFFICIAL SETI personal profile and web page can be seen here:

Member Profiles Flooding IN!
View the NEW profile for Ralf Hoehner
View the NEW profile for Cedric
View the NEW profile for Rui Pedro
View the NEW profile for Irresist
View the NEW profile for ~Iceman~
View the NEW profile for Yo Sam
View the NEW profile for TOMaxwell
View the NEW profile for Mortacan
View the NEW profile for Wyzzard
View the NEW profile for Richard W. Lubrich Jr.
View the NEW profile for Estebanx
View the NEW profile for BlackPearl

More members let us know who invited them
** Zain Upton brings Rui Pedro to our team! **
** Zain Upton brings Tohm to our team! **
** Zain Upton brings Irresist to our team! **
** Zain Upton brings Richard W. Lubrich Jr. to our team! **

13th March 2002

Update # 41

Stats - 309 Members,  170583 Work Units complete (up from 257 Members,  148735 WUs 7 days ago)

Ummm.... WOW! Wow, wow wow.  Yep the biggest week our group has ever had.  We now have members from 35 countries around the world, over 170K work units, over 300 members AND we made the top 200 list of ALL SETI TEAMS!  We have NEVER had a week this big, absolutely amazing.

A big thankyou to all that joined after getting an email from me.  I managed to look at EVERY profile from "Z" to "R" now (some of them are damn funny!), it is a very slow process ("S" and "R" were A LOT bigger than the other letters).  The feedback from the people all around the world is great.  Many of those not in groups join up after having a look around our site, many of those in teams write back just chatting about their part of the world and their lives.  I have made MANY friends around the world that all run and love SETI.

On another note, I will be going interstate for 2 weeks as of the 15th.  So between the 15th and the 1st of April I wont be able to do many updates (or keep reading profiles and contacting prospective members).  But never fear come April we will be back in daily updates.

Make sure to check our extensive weekly stats is the place to look to see how you compare to all our other members in many fields.  You may not have the most work units, but how do you rank in work unit time, biggest movers and shakers etc?  (updated 13th March)  (Extensive Weekly Stats)

52 New members in the last 7 days!  A big welcome to:

wyzzard, Galactic, Ron Benson, ex-SGI:Stephane Rosa, ralf hoehner, DarkFiber, Robert Brändström, Mister Tufqibof, ~IceMan~, Ralph, BlackPearl, Thom Souza, Ron, Steve, pctech, Gr8Sc0tt, Tigrrr, Rob (#1), Irresist, Tim Toews, mortacan, Richie Smith, sir.tarris, fintuck, rob (#2), Rui Pedro, Rupert, Goteki45, Ron Adhikari, Estebanx, sa714, dbcsec, Big Daddy Stan, robertrz60, seed, MarsSociety, StefHorn, BastyCDGS, Richard W. Lubrich Jr., Redchip, Jazz^Wolf, selena, JazzWolf2, Rainbow, Cedric, Shane@home, SIMON, earthling, mrzywka, VA3-VJC, Robsterwooden, Apuk

Member Milestones since last update:

MileStone  Team Members
2000 WUs done:  JakeJohnson, _mega_
1000 WUs done:  Son of yog soth oth
500 WUs done:, djendo
250 WUs done:  Pope_paradox
100 WUs done:  Flavia
50 WUs done:  Myla, AtlantaNich, Richard W. Lubrich Jr.
10 WUs done:  Earthling

If we all scream at once maybe they can hear us!
Zain - Team founder and web page designer.

Other Internet-based Distributed Computing Projects

Most people know about the "UD Cure of Cancer" project (personally I think it is the work of the devil, but that is just me).  Well there are actually A LOT of projects out there.  This web site lists pretty much all of them, currently active, old projects and future projects.

Of course I will keep crunching SETI forever, but some people are curious so I thought I would let everyone know.  So have a look, even run a few if you like, but don't forget good old SETI!

12th March 2002


Congratulations to Ralf Hoehner AND ex:-SGI:Stephane Rosa for joining
 and going straight into our HALL of FAME

Both Ralf and Stephane joined us yesterday with VERY impressive amounts of work units already done.  For those that are interested his OFFICIAL SETI personal profile and web page can be seen here:

Abhijith sends in another Gaussians!
New #20 in "PERSONAL BEST Gaussian" section

11th March 2002

We made it!  AND our 300th member joined today!

Another BIG day for our team of SETI Enthusiasts.  300 members from 35 countries around the world and over 160,000 Work Units done!  To see the TOP 200 Teams of ALL SETI click here.  There is not stopping us now.  Lets rock this list!

And to the all the people that have joined in the last month or so a BIG THANKYOU.  Don't forget, if you have any suggestions for things you would like to see at our site just let us know.

10th March 2002

Two more members from NEW countries!
"Goteki45" joins from HONDURAS and creates a new "Subgroup"!
"Rui Pedro" joins from PORTUGAL and creates a new "Subgroup"!

Congratulations to DarkFiber, Ron Benson AND Wyzzard for joining
 and going straight into our HALL of FAME

Dark Fiber, Ron Benson and Wyzzard joined us yesterday with VERY impressive amounts of work units already done.  For those that are interested his OFFICIAL SETI personal profile and web page can be seen here:

9th March 2002

Lagge sends in his FIRST Gaussians!
New #2 in "BEST UNLUCKY Gaussian" section

¶ü†êrßôÿ sends in his FIRST Gaussians!
New #29 in "PERSONAL BEST Gaussian" section

8th March 2002

150,000 Work Units done!

Amazing!  We are now only a few thousand work units off the top 200 teams of ALL SETI@Home!  Wont take long at this rate.  More to the point we have over 30 countries from around the world, and some very dedicated SETI members.  Everyone can take a big pat on the back.

Two more members from NEW countries!
"Earthling" joins from AUSTRIA and creates a new "Subgroup"!
"Pctech" joins from SOUTH AFRICA and creates a new "Subgroup"!

OUR HALL of FAME grows again!
A big congratulations to Son of yog soth oth for passing 1K work units

Son of... has been a great member with us for a long time now, and on a personal note it was a race between us for the 1k mark.  Looks like Son won.  Nice work old chap!  Keep crunching hard, and welcome to our HALL of FAME!

Another member let us know WHO brought them to our team!
** Lynn Ross brings Mrzywka to our team! **

7th March 2002

SETI@Home Site Down Temporarily.
NOTE: Also affects joining our team!

Just to let people know that have been trying to join our team, the OFFICIAL SETI@Home site is down (they are doing something I can't remember what).  What this means is you cant get to the OFFICIAL daily stats, OR, you cant join our team (or get your Password sent to you).

Even though we have our own forms here on our site for joining our team, they are actually just copies of the OFFICIAL forms.  It just makes it easier that way, and also means your password is kept secure between you and SETI.

Anyone in this situation please just try to join again tomorrow, as these outages are not normally long.


PS a big hello to MORE people whose profile starts with "S" and "R".  Have fun looking around our site and I hope you consider joining our team *wink*

6th March 2002

Update # 40

Stats - 257 Members,  148735 Work Units complete (up from 230 Members,  140184 WUs 9 days ago)

A HUGE week. We are now only 5000 work units off being one of the top 200 teams of ALL SETI!

How did this happen?

Well this week I sat down and went through all the profiles at the official SETI site that started with the letters "Z" through to "T".  Let me tell you there are LOTS of them.  I had a quick skim read (cause some of them are VERY VERY funny) and for each person that had an email address listed I copied their name and email address into a drafted letter about our team.  Some call this kind of thing evil *shrug*.  But the feedback from nearly everyone (even those in teams) was amazingly positive, I have met some great people all around the world, and it gives a chance for people that don't know about teams, or are bored out of their brains with teams to have a look at ours and join up!

Make sure to check our extensive weekly stats is the place to look to see how you compare to all our other members in many fields.  You may not have the most work units, but how do you rank in work unit time, biggest movers and shakers etc?  (updated 6th March)  (Extensive Weekly Stats)

27 New members in the last 9 days!  A big welcome to:

¶ü†êrßôÿ, Lagge, sparten, Taurus58, Lynn Ross, tomavery, Ted Wagner Sr., Wolfgang Bauer, Wolf, woody, harlequin67, Warp12, rand=0,52, TheBoss, Tohm, Yo Sam, williamruckman, trace, bqeted, WillyWalloo, Captan_Carnage, T. O. Maxwell, Unliving sava, vmalik, no-frontier, aardblacknight and  Brendan

Member Milestones since last update:

MileStone  Team Members
1000 WUs done:  Dale
500 WUs done:  Sparten
250 WUs done:  Mean Walnut, Higgins006
100 WUs done:  Mars
50 WUs done:  Yo Sam
1st WUs done:  AardBlacknight

If we all scream at once maybe they can hear us!
Zain - Team founder and web page designer.

5th March 2002

We now have members from 31 COUNTRIES!
"Rand=0,52" joins from MEXICO and creates our newest "Subgroup"

Our team hits 250 members!!!
 and, Subgroup "USA" hits 100 members!

250 members!  We ROCK!  This week we have had a flurry of members, after a little push from me asking people to consider joining us.  A BIG thankyou to any of you who have!  And if you are reading this and not in our team JOIN! *smile*

Also today the USA was our first country to have 100 members in our team!  A tad ironic as Flinders University is in Australia... (hmmm, I really should do some more recruiting here!).  In any case, as you all know I consider our team for ANY SETI enthusiasts around the world, and hope one day to have over 100 countries with members in our team!

Nice work USA and our SETI members from there!  Stand and be proud.

OUR HALL of FAME Grows even bigger!
A big congratulations to Dale for passing 1K work units
And a big welcome and congrats to ¶ü†êrßôÿ, straight into our HALL of FAME

Dale has been with us from nearly the start!  I think he was our 3rd member of our team, we have 250+ now... amazing.  Nice work Dale, a great achievement.

¶ü†êrßôÿ joined us today with over 2700 Work Units already done!  What a great name *smile*.  He has an official SETI personal profile (as do many of our members) that you can look at by clicking on this link Seti Profile for ¶ü†êrßôÿ.  Welcome and keep crunching hard!  

3rd March 2002

We now have members from 30 COUNTRIES!
"Unliving sava" joins from ROMANIA and creates our newest "Subgroup"

Member Profiles Flooding IN!
View the NEW profile for Lynn Ross
View the NEW profile for AardBlacknight
View the NEW profile for Brendan
View the NEW profile for Taurus58
View the UPDATED profile for Gimley

Dale has another  GREAT Gaussians!
New #6 in "BEST Overall Gaussian" section
Also ranked #6 entry in "PERSONAL BEST Gaussian" section!

Another member let us know WHO brought them to our team!
** Zain brings Taurus58 to our team! **
** Zain brings Lynn Ross to our team! **